Sunday, 27 March 2011

Week 3: Reference

During the class, lecturer has been showed us how to mock up the storage0 box for carry our primary direction sign model. It is also quite interesting for me.

I had been McDonald Restaurant on Sunday morning. I saw the McDonald's Restaurant signage outside the restaurant. For me, i think the design of signage board was simple and nice, and it also do not have a complex design, just the logo on the top and restaurant name and the drive-thru.


I did some research on the Mcdonald's restaurant sign board. Their design consists of 3D mock up and in simple shape. It is nice and tidy. It also won't confusing people the direction. So, maybe this design can be my reference too. =)


Week 3: Sketches and Idea

Our lecturer has demonstrated how to model a 3D mock up during the class. He has also showed us how to use the PVA glue to stick the edge of the box. Well, it is interesting to me. After the demonstration, we were proceeded to the consultation session. I was consulted our lecturer with few sketches. I decided to choose the Gurney Plaza as the place to design the primary directory sign. Lecturer was gave me some useful suggest toward my design. No matter a signage for a park, a building or a company should not in a complex design, yet tidy and neat. So it won't make people confused. About my design, Gurney Plaza was located at Penang, and this building was near the sea side. So, my design will be a little bit curvy like the waves.A simple design with curvy waves shapes on top of my directory sign. 

Here some sketches:


Saturday, 19 March 2011

week 2: Environmental design can applies to outdoor as well.

Environmental design is not only can applies on interior but also can be applies to exterior design as well. This is a thorough understanding of fiction, your identity will bring alive the quality of communication you provide to customers.Responsible for the landscape designer will only use plants native to the region in order to avoid invasive species.In addition, the use of rock and pebble bed cactus also to eliminate the need for irrigation.Thorns of the window to prevent unlawful entry, large shade trees outside the large windows to reduce energy demand.Outdoor lighting can easily include a small solar panel will collect enough energy during the day, electricity, long-term use no electricity all night.

Contemporary ecological oudoor furniture trends

Unique furniture outdoor rattan environmental trends


week 2: navigational signs [roadside]

Modern environmental design concepts still used a lot of mass since ancient times, new technologies and concepts continue to develop. Except the navigational signs must be place in the building or company. There are also necessary to place beside the road. Photo above is another type of navigational board. This is also so called road board. It is different between the previous navigational board. These type of navigational boards were designed to be clear and direct in navigation. It is a must to have navigational board beside the road. So that, people will not going the wrong way.


Monday, 14 March 2011

week 1 : navigational design

In my humble opinion, i noticed that there are many types of navigational design after my few days of observation. Navigational board can be also called as directional board. Okay, why we need it? So for example if we are at a stranger place, or maybe lost, navigational board or directional board will lead and navigate you to the right place. Beside this, if you are in the shopping mall but not really sure about where the shop placed, navigational board and directional board can help us too. Navigational board can be every where, for example, in shopping mall, road side, playground, garden, and so on. It is useful when we are lost. A good navigational board is in simple and clear navigational design.

In shopping mall, 

Photos above were taken in Gurney plaza shopping mall, Penang.shops from GF to 2F were categorized as departmental store.These four navigational board have in common in same design.--Only words. For me, these navigational boards were a little bit complicated and not really detail enough in overall design. 

Photos above were also taken in the same shopping mall but different place. For the design, for the first board, it have too less information in a huge space. But, those symbols and the directional arrows were giving the simple and clear message to people. 


week 1 : another example of navigational design

Other examples :

This photo was taken at another place which is at Straits Quay. I personally like this navigational design. For me, it was giving the clear message and directional with directional arrow, symbols and description design. The font size of the board was perfect and nice enough.